Common Types Of Goldfish

It can be rightfully stated that goldfish is one of the most common types of aquarium fish. When beginner tank keepers are looking for fish to add to their tanks, goldfish is commonly their first choice. Goldfish are not that hard to care for and if kept responsibly, can live for up to ten years. 

When one hears the word goldfish, the first thing that comes to mind is the golden colored variety of fish that we have seen in aquarium tanks as well as on television. But in reality, the goldfish comes in a number of different colors and patterns. In this article, we have compiled a list of the common types of goldfish:

1. Telescope Eye Goldfish:

As the name indicates, the eye of this variety of goldfish seems like the lens of a telescope. This is from where the gold fish gets its name. The overall body of the telescope eye goldfish resembles a common goldfish, but the eyes are the characteristic  and prominent feature. Another noticeable and must know fact about this goldfish is the fact that it has very weak eyesight. Therefore, it requires extra care and is not an optimal choice for community tanks as it can easily get hurt. It comes in a number of colors including orange, white, red and even calico. Blackmoor goldfish is the most popular and widely kept specimen in this group.

2. Panda Moor Goldfish:

The Panda Moor Goldfish resembles the Telescope Eye Goldfish in terms of its physical appearance. This goldfish too, has telescope lens like eyes. However, a distinction  between the Panda Moor Goldfish and the Telescope Eye Goldfish is that the Panda Moor Goldfish has a black and white color. This combination is the same as the combination of a panda, this is why it is known as the Panda Moor Goldfish. This fish also has poor eyesight and should not be kept in community aquarium tanks.

3. Bubble Eye Goldfish:

It is easy to guess from the name that the Bubble Eye Goldfish is another variation of goldfish that is known for its characteristic eye design. In fact, you would have surely seen this fish in a handful of memes and aquarium tank jokes. This fish has sacs that are filled with fluid close to its eyes. From a distance, it appears as if the eyes of the fish are enclosed in a bubble. These sacs adversely affect the eyesight of the goldfish therefore, it is very hard for this fish to see. When planning to keep a bubble eye goldfish, make sure that the tank is specially arranged and any sharp object or ornament is removed so the bubble eye goldfish does not end up injuring or hurting itself.  

4. Celestial Eye Goldfish:

The Celestial Eye Goldfish is also known as the “Choten Gan” goldfish. As you might have guessed from the name, this goldfish is also known for its characteristic eye structure. The eyes have a permanent protrude and it seems like the goldfish is always looking in the  upward direction. According to a story based around their origin, it is said that this specie of fish was specially bred to give its eyes this structure. This was done so the fish would appear to be looking upwards towards the Chinese emperor whenever he would look at them in the pond. Some other noticeable physical characteristics of this fish include an oval shaped body and the lack of a dorsal fin. This specie of goldfish also suffers from the problem of poor eyesight. If cared for properly, this fish can grow up to eight inches in length and can live for nearly seven years. 

5. Pearlscale Goldfish:

The body of the Pearlscale Goldfish is covered with fins that look like small pearls. It has an oval shaped body and the fins and tails are similar to those of a fantail goldfish. Some Pearlscale Goldfish develop an egg-shaped mass on the top of their heads they are called crown pearl scales. This type of  goldfish can be kept in a community tank but the temperature of the water body should be controlled as it cannot survive in extremely cold water temperature. 

6. Comet Goldfish:

Comet Goldfish comes from America. This type of fish is known as comet goldfish because of the shape of its tail which resembles the shape of a comet. The tail is the most distinctive feature of this goldfish not only because of its shape but also due to its size. This type of goldfish can be found in red, orange, yellow, black and white colors. Mostly, the comet goldfish comes in a combination of two colors, one main color and patterns or spots of the other color. If cared for properly, the comet goldfish can live up fourteen years. These fish are great for both aquarium tanks as well as ponds and can grow to around ten to twelve inches in length. They are usually very inexpensive and can easily be found at major fish stores. You can also find some at 

7. Shubunkin Goldfish: 

Shubunkin is a Japanese word that translates to “red brocade”. Shubunkin goldfish are also known by the name of Calico Goldfish. Their bodies are usually a blend of two to three colors. Black, golden, orange, red and white are the commonly blended colors that are visible on the fish’s body.

 Since these fish have transparent fins, therefore, they appear to be see through when observed from afar. They have fins that are shaped like flowers and the tail too is pretty  similar in terms of structure. They can grow up to eighteen inches in length. 

8. Fantail Goldfish:

Fantail Goldfish can easily be identified and distinguished from other types of goldfish because of the shape of their tails. The body of the fantail goldfish is smaller in size and the most prominent feature of the fish is its tail. It comes in orange, red, black, white and  yellow colors. They can be kept in ponds as well as in aquarium tanks but the temperature of the water should be maintained and should not be extremely cold. It is recommended that the tank containing the Fantail Goldfish is moved to a warmer area during the winter season. 

9. Ryukin Goldfish:

The Ryukin Goldfish has a hunchback shape. The body of the fish is round in shape and the dorsal fin and tails are the most attractive features of the fish. If looked after and cared for properly, the Ryukin Goldfish can grow up to eight inches in length. The common colors for Ryukin goldfish are white,  orange, red, iron and calico. Ryukin goldfish makes a great pet goldfish. 

10. Ranchu Goldfish:

The main feature that helps identify Ranchu goldfish is the lack of a dorsal fin. The overall body of the Ranchu goldfish resembles the shape of an egg and it also has a growth on top of its head. The tail is turned down and they come in a number of color variations including orange, red, white and black. Their tail is different in shape, it is slightly smaller  but the ends of the tail spread out like an open fan. Another significant trait of the Ranchu goldfish is its responsive nature. It loved to swim around in the tank and greet the owners.

11. Wakin Goldfish:

The Wakin Goldfish is a great choice for an aquarium as well as a pond fish. It resembles the common type of Goldfish but the caudal shaped fin is a noticeable feature. Some varieties of the Wakin Goldfish also come with red and white markings all over their body. These fish can grow up to a length of ten inches therefore, they are highly recommended  for ponds or large sized aquarium tanks. 

12. Oranda Goldfish:

The oranda goldfish comes is the signature orange gold color. The fish has a lion like head growth on its face. This fish usually has an short body and have a dorsal fin. The tail is very fancy and attractive. Orange, red and white , red, black and calico are some common color variations of the Goldfish. These fish are also great for both tanks as well as ponds.

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